, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Indore: Residents urged to take precaution while disposing masks to avoid spread of coronavirus in animals ~ Bharath Bulletin

Friday, April 17, 2020

Indore: Residents urged to take precaution while disposing masks to avoid spread of coronavirus in animals

Indore: While masks are essential to prevent the outspread of coronavirus, disposing them of properly is equally essential. Improper disposal of masks and biomedical waste can risk the spread of infection to other humans and animals.

Though there are not many confirmed cases of the virus being spread from human to animal and vice versa, such a risk can cost us more than we realise. If by chance, COVID-19 infection mutates and infects animals as well, then it will be almost impossible to control.

Free Press urges people to reconsider their actions and ensure proper disposal of masks and biomedical waste around them.

Act responsibly!

“In some colonies like Pardesipura, Navlakha and Malwa Mill, stray dogs are often seen running around with biomedical waste including sanitary napkins,” Priyanshu Jain, animal activist said. She explained that proper disposal is essential to control infections.

“In case of stray dogs, any kind of communicable disease is very difficult to control and it is high time that we understand the consequences of our actions,” Priyanshu said.

Guidelines of COVID-19 apply to animals too

“As per guidelines, it is essential that social distancing and hygiene norms are followed with animals as well,” Veterinarian Dr Narendra Chouhan said. He explained that biomedical waste including masks are prone to spreading infections.

“In hospitals and clinics, biomedical waste is collected separately, and even for households now, biomedical waste should be disposed of separately,” Chouhan said. He added that there is no evidence of COVID-19 is transmitting to and from animal to humans, but we must take precautions.

Don’t neglect safety

“As a safety precaution, it is mandatory that people take requisite care of disposing of their biomedical waste responsibly,” Dr Uttam Yadav, city zoo in-charge, said. He added that the lack of precautions for safety can affect humans and maybe animals.

“A different type of coronavirus is found in dogs, but why should we risk the outspread of COVID-19 by our negligence,” Yadav said.

Also Read: The Wire's Siddharth Varadarajan claims ASHA workers in Indore are blaming Muslims for coronavirus


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