Indore might have a high number of coronavirus positive cases, but their waste disposal scheme especially technology in place for PPE (personal protective equipment) will help the city in controlling harmful after-effects of the virus. This was explained by Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS) professor Vivek Tiwari in E - Lecture on Success Story of Indore for Technocrats.
More than 80 participants joined the e-lecture organised via online event application. Tiwari discussed various ways in which Indore is carefully controlling coronavirus outspread with proper disposal.
“Improper disposal of PPE can result in outspread of coronavirus and disposing of lakhs of contaminated kits is a major challenge for the entire world,” Tiwari said. He added that disposing of PPE even by incineration can be harmful.
“If we burn the kit without treatment, then the harmful gases can affect the environment, and as a civil engineer we work with hospital designing where Indore has insured all the disposal facilities,” Tiwari said. He added that Indore is disposing of PPE kits with requisite chemical treatments and incinerators every day.
Also Read: Indore defeats corona trends even as city witness 1,029 COVID-19 cases in 20 days
from Free Press Journal
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