, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Daughter Pravi Jadia's open letter to Dad, Dr Pravin Jadia, Indore CMHO ~ Bharath Bulletin

Friday, April 17, 2020

Daughter Pravi Jadia's open letter to Dad, Dr Pravin Jadia, Indore CMHO

Even as the entire world is witnessing lockdown and most families are in the safety of their homes and together, the corona warriors and essential services providers are braving the heat out their in the big bad world. Free Press met Pravi Jadia, daughter of CMHO Dr Pravin Jadia. Little Pravi has written an open letter to her dad, telling him how she misses the good times and prays to the Almighty that all ends well. excerpts...

I don’t know exactly how to start. It has been quite some time since I’ve last written anything. But today, I felt I had quite a lot of things going on in my head and I wanted to put it into words.

It's been tough for us all. Most people are spending time with their families. They are praying together, playing, getting to know each other one more time. I, too, wished I could do the same with my family. But I can’t as when everyone else’s father is at home, my dad is working unconditionally and extremely hard to save the world around us.

This makes me think about all those people who feel "tortured" being at home. I only wish, I could just keep my dad with me at this time, even i could play with him, I only wonder what all I could’ve done with him if I got this chance. May be some musical nights, playing mouth organ together, I can only wonder.

I miss those beautiful Sunday nights we used to spend together. It used to be a ritual going for dinner every Sunday & listening to Jagjit Singh’s ghazals on the way. I miss those times when he used to be away from all the stress. I miss how good he used to be at playing his favourite instrument, which has just disappeared gradually. I wonder when everything is going to get like it used to be!

It always makes me wanna cry looking at how he keeps everything in his heart and never let it show, feeling sad all the way but always has that smile on his face. What a beautiful person!

Yesterday, he told me how much he wanted the photograph of my grandma. When I asked him why... He said “I miss her a lot“.

I don’t know when this is going to end, I just hope it ends well. I just wish all the power to him. Super proud of you papa. Love you a lot!

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