, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Corona Warrior: A lady doctor from Ujjain is going after coronavirus against all odds ~ Bharath Bulletin

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Corona Warrior: A lady doctor from Ujjain is going after coronavirus against all odds

Ujjain: A month has passed since the lockdown was implemented, and no one knows how long will it be before the circumstances improve?

On one hand there are strictures of government and administration that every human being is required to remain at home. On the other hand, people are making every possible effort at his own level to somehow escape from the dreaded pandemic.

Amid all this CHMO Dr Anusuiyya Gawli Sinha of Ujjain stands tall among corona warriors. This courageous woman all of 60 years has attracted the praise from all corners through her style of functioning in these trying times.


CMHO office on the sixth floor of Charak Hospital located in Ksheer Sagar area on Agar Road witnesses on an average more than 50 women of Ujjain district and surrounding areas who come here for delivery.

About the same numbers of newborn children are admitted to the ICU here every day due to contingency. Despite the lockdown, this atmosphere in the hospital is abuzz with everyday fanfare.

Patients and their kin continue to throng the facility not to mention the dozens of healthcare workers hopping in and out of the Charak Bhavan.

But what is unfortunate about this building is that since its inception that something unexpected happens here every other day.

When the Free Press team reached the facility, within the first few steps a realisation dawned as to how bad the situation could be?

The disinfectant (sanatising) machine installed right at the entry-gate with much fanfare couple of days ago for protection from the Covid-19 was found to be dysfunctional.

It was found that due to lack of necessary tools, the machine stopped working only on the second day of its installation.

Iron willed doc manages the show

As we set forth on our discussion with CMHO Dr Anusuiyya Gawli Sinha, we realised that she is able to face all the systemic shortcoming sheerly with her resolve of steel.

She told us that in career of 35-year it is for the first time that she is witnessing medical emergency of this mammoth proportion.

She went on to say, “Everything is unsettled. Life is crippled, freedom is over. There seem to be strange compulsions in the atmosphere of life locked within certain periphery and anything can happen anytime. It seems that the life itself is under lockdown.”

However, what she said afterwards is an insight into the persona that she is, she said, “It is nice to live for others. The feeling that one’s life is of use for someone is a matter of pride. I have never before had a bigger task like the present one.

Sharing her experience, Dr Gawli said that some difficult surgery cases that she carried out in Alirajpur are among the most daunting task she has handled.

But this fallout of Covid-19 outbreak is once in a lifetime experience for her. Such is the magnitude of the calamity that for her the difference between morning and night no more exists.

Speaking nonchalantly, she said, “Taking up phone calls even at 2 o’clock in the night has become a daily affair. I haven’t met my husband since February. At times I wonder as to when will I free myself from the lockdown.”

Arsenal for war?

According to Dr Gawli, Covid-19 pandemic can only be prevented by social distance, as no vaccine has been produced anywhere in the world so far. Only those medicines used in the problems like cold, cough and fever as well as difficulty in taking respiration are given to the Corona positive persons and suspects. Currently 190 suspects have been quarantined in three Corona quarantine centers in Ujjain district. These quarantine centers have a capacity of 650, of which 160 people have been quarantined at PTS, Maksi Road 50 and have been quarantined at Rajendra Jain Surishwar Center, Dewas Road. Covid care centers have been set-up at Lalpul Hostel, Vidyottama Hostel of Vikram University and Nursing Hostel in Sudama Nagar which are currently lying vacant. RD Gardi Medical College has been made a Covid treatment center where 100 beds have been acquired. There are plans to acquire 400 beds if needed. RD Gardi Medical College currently has 24 positive patients besides 21 suspected patients admitted, out of which 5 have been kept in ICU due to critical condition. Government Madhav Nagar Hospital has 100 beds available. Till Tuesday, 28 suspects were being treated and their report is yet to come. If any of them comes positive, they will be shifted to RD Gardi Medical College and negative patients will be discharge. Dr Gawli said that both Corona positive and the suspected patients are being treated without money. No charge is also being taken for the tests.


CMHO unhesitatingly admitted that it is a big problem to not get the information about the death of the patient admitted in RD Gardi Medical College on time. Due to this, it is difficult to provide accurate information on time. Dr Gawli said that suspicious deaths are not reported for two-three days. She also admitted that the deaths reports in other hospitals of the city are also not received in time. If death occurs due to Corona symptoms, swab samples can be taken within to 2 hours, she added.

Also Read: Ujjain’s engineer has made, distributed over 2,500 face shields to corona warriors

from Free Press Journal

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