, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 CBSE writes to principals on major decisions to combat corona ~ Bharath Bulletin

Sunday, April 5, 2020

CBSE writes to principals on major decisions to combat corona

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) wrote a letter to all the school principals announcing some major decisions as to how the education sector plans to handle the unprecedented crisis due to the spread of the Novel Corona Virus.

After safety precautions, schools have to reinvent the education process. Time like this can build foundations of resilience to dace such difficult events in the future, as explained CBSE guiding principal on how to go about the change.

Following are some highlights from the letter written by the board:

New Syllabus

Use this time to tap on all these resources and communities to develop creative and innovative teaching and learning material, such as - activity-based worksheets; projects that can be done at home; activities that can generate a flood of curiosity; art, sport and music integrated learning modules; online classes to build capacities of your teachers to open up their minds to creativity, etc. The sky is the limit here.

Covering the course

CBSE asked schools to consider the opportunity to shift focus from ‘schooling only at schools’ to ‘School-Home collaboration for learning’.

· Schools can take up the preparation of questionnaires for parents of students in every grade, which gently nudge the parent to better understand their child’s unique abilities and interests, by simply filling it up.

· Teachers can do virtual visits to the homes of their students, to better understand the child’s background, culture and context.

· Teachers can explain to the parents about all the Outcomes of Learning that the child is expected to achieve at the end of the year.

· School Counsellors can engage with parents online, and answer their queries and give them tips for parenting.

· Parents can guide students do projects on human-human, human-nature and nature-nature interface by simple observations from daily lives.


Head centric rote learning must be converted into experiential learning. Now is the time to reintroduce ‘learning by doing’, to tilt the balance away from head heavy theoretical education. Activate the triad of children, parents and teachers to work on problems that they see in their community, environment and geography.

Parents can also spend time with their children to understand the technology behind household items, such as pressure cooker, hair dryer, stapler, soap dispenser, clothes iron, lock and key, wall clocks, light bulbs, weighing machines, TV remote, reading glasses, microwave oven, toilet flush, etc.

Running of a kitchen is an immense learning resource

Not only will they learn one of the most important survival skills, that is, cooking, they can learn STEM through classification, organization, quantities, proportions, thermal conductivity, chemical reactions, audits, optimization, hygiene, timing, nutrition, and many more.

Upkeep home

Advise children to participate in the upkeep of their homes. This shall inspire them to take responsibility to manage their classrooms, labs & libraries and also help them to manage their environment better in future.

Also Read: Indore: Social distancing what? Citizens flock grocery shops to refill stock amid lockdown


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