, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Bhopal: Pressed in coronavirus survey, teachers demand protection kits ~ Bharath Bulletin

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Bhopal: Pressed in coronavirus survey, teachers demand protection kits

BHOPAL: Teachers pressed into COVID survey have expressed their reservations and demanded protection kits.

Teachers were given instructions to remain present on duty for the COVID-19 survey in the containment areas. They were asked to report at the office of district collector.

The district administration has put them on duty for survey work in the containment areas. However, these teachers were not provided any sort of protective gears.

“We were told to report at collector’s office. We did. We thought we may be put on duty for relief work or helpdesk but we were asked to go on field that too in the containment areas,” said a teacher.

“Doing survey work in the containment zones is very risky. We are neither provided personal protection kits, masks, gloves or sanitizers and are left in the field on God’s mercy,” said another teacher.

However, the teachers association has objected to this act of government. State convener of Shikshak Congress, Ashutosh Pandey has demanded that teachers put on this duty should be provided with safety kits.

“Teachers should be respected and treated equally with health workers. If health workers are provided with the safety kit why not teachers, being sent to containment zones,” said Pandey.

Teachers put on such duty should also be covered under insurance of Rs 50 lakh being given to health workers put on frontline fighting battle against corona virus, he added.

Also Read: Bhopal: Teela Jamalpura resident asks BMC team to leave area, alleges them to spread coronavirus


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