Mumbai: The arrival of around 500 vegetable trucks as opposed to the proposed 100-150 caused a stir at the APMC market in Vashi. Safety measures took a beating as people could be seen scaling the boundary wall of the vegetable market, making a mockery of social distancing norms.
The Mumbai Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) in Vashi opened on Friday after the state government promised adequate safety measures on the premises. However, this proved to be hollow talk, as there was no social distancing.
Masks and hand sanitisers were dispensed away with as people scrambled to buy essential items. In a tearing hurry, they yanked off their masks and mobbed the tempo or truck that was laden with fruits and vegetables.
A senior trader said although the market was operating at less than half of its capacity, the situation got out of control. “We were forced to open the market despite the risk of contamination,” pointed out the trader, requesting anonymity.
Another trader said social distancing was not a workable option at the APMC, where the entry of visitors was not regulated. Also, there was an additional problem of labourers who do not understand the importance of wearing masks and sanitising their hands.
Another APMC official, requesting anonymity, said there was a lurking fear that in the event of truck drivers, who come from remote villages, getting infected, there was a possibility that they may take the infection back to their villages.
“Without vegetables, people can live. But, if the virus spreads, it will be difficult for everyone,” said the official. “There was a plan to bring around 100 to 150 trucks. However, the arrival of 500 trucks was unexpected and this caused the situation to veer out of control,” said another trader.
He added that even farmers need to understand the situation and control the supply. The administration was seen disinfecting vehicles entering the market premises and ensuring that people queued up; they were also given masks. .
All the vehicles, too, were disinfected and the market premises were sterilised, said Shankar Pingle, director, vegetable market. The arrival of 500 trucks brought down retail prices, with most vegetables available between Rs 50 and Rs 60 per kg.
from Free Press Journal
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