, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Coronavirus in Mumbai: Ask a beat cop why Covidiots are afoot ~ Bharath Bulletin

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coronavirus in Mumbai: Ask a beat cop why Covidiots are afoot

Mumbai: Even as the state government is in deadly earnest to ensure the implementation of the lockdown, given that social distancing is the only way to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus, there are people who simply cannot control the urge to cross the 'Laxman Rekha'.

Worse still, when questioned by police about the reason for their surreptitious jaunts, they come up with the most bizarre excuses, hoping to escape a thrashing.

On Wednesday, when police caught a loitering youth and asked him why he was out during the lockdown, he said he was desperately looking for cigarettes because he was constipated, having gone without a smoke for the last three days. Those caught at night claim they cannot fall asleep without a sundowner.

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According to a policeman from South Mumbai, for the last two nights, most of those apprehended claimed to have received a WhatsApp message that liquor shops would remain open from 3 am -5 am, which is why they were coming out in droves on their bikes at odd hours. Others try to test whether the milk of kindness is flowing in police veins, saying they came out simply because they had to buy milk for the crying baby at home.

Yet others claim they are visiting a sick relative or going to the chemist's or are grocery-shopping. On Wednesday night, a man told the patrolling cops in Andheri that he was out to buy vegetables; it was 2 am. "Then there are some smart ones who carry old medical papers, hoping we will let them through," said a policeman.

Another police constable from Kasturba Marg police station in Borivali was stunned to be told by a 23-year-old youth that he needed to use the western-style toilet in his other flat. Others claim to be outside just to take in some fresh air, since the government has asked not to use air-conditioners. Then there are those who simply must snap up every selfie moment.

"Most riders we eventually let go were those we caught taking selfies on empty streets or group selfies with those lined up outside grocery stores," said a police officer from Malad.

from Free Press Journal


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