Mumbai: The much-delayed project to widen the Lal Bahadur Shastri (LBS) Road has finally got a push. Amid high tension and resistance from locals, the Brihamumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) demolished as many as 61 unauthorised structures in Ghatkopar, thus clearing 56,700 square feet of land for the widening project.
BMC first mooted the project in 2012 but opposition from shop keepers delayed the road-widening work.
Last year the municipal commissioner Praveen Pardeshi had directed civic officials to remove encroachments by December 15, 2019. However, due to resistance from the locals who occupied these structures led to a delay in clearing the encroachments.
The civic body has called for a meeting of all Project Affected People (PAP) a fortnight ago. During the meeting, all the PAPs were explained in detail about the project for a final time before taking demolition action.
“The location of rehabilitation of these commercial PAPs was also shown to them several times before. The option of monetary compensation as per BMC policy too was offered to them. However, the PAP’s decided to stage a protest in front of the to DMC Zone VI office against the demolition.
They were given enough chances and ample time to prove their eligibility,” said Ajit Kumar Ambi, assistant Municipal commissioner of N ward.
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