, pub-9501031967421588, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Mahatma Gandhi indirectly adopted Kabir Das’s preachings: DAVV vice-chancellor Renu Jain ~ Bharath Bulletin

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Mahatma Gandhi indirectly adopted Kabir Das’s preachings: DAVV vice-chancellor Renu Jain

Indore: A programme was organised by Mahatma Gandhi Chair on the last day of Malwa Kabir Yatra at DAVV auditorium on Sunday. Speakers from all over India and the US spoke on Mahatma Gandhi and Kabir Das, the 15th century Indian mystic poet and saint.

DAVV vice chancellor Renu Jain was the chief guest as state higher education minister Jitu Patwari did not turn up. In her address, Dr Renu Jain said Mahatma Gandhi and Kabir Das made efforts to reform society and root out social evils. “Gandhiji indirectly adopted what Kabir Das preached. Following them, Gandhi moved the world towards truth and non violence,” she said.

Gandhian thinker Anil Trivedi said people only hear and sing Kabir’s verses but seldom follow them.

Professor Linda Hess from the US, who is a scholar on Kabir, delivered speech in Hindi. She said Kabir’s every couplet teaches moral value. Kabir also addressed religion-based discrimination.

Linda who has been visiting India since 1960s has been studying and translating poetry of Kabir since 1970s. Of late, her research focused on oral and musical tradition of Kabir prevalent in north India.

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